Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What management style will you choose?

I was thinking to myself about this and there are advantages to all different styles if you go for coaching u get a good base to develop your players but if you go for scouting u get players people cant see first. tactics means you get the jump on everyone else in making your team do what u want and means u can prob win games quicker but there is also management that allows your money to go further and sign better players for cheaper. There is also the phsyio skills for all those that want to minimise injuries

personally I'm going for management as i want my money to go further but i also want to know what YOU lot are going to go for :)


  1. I'm going for capital letters at the start of sentences :p

    Seriously though, Scouting. Management is 2nd place and will fit in around scouting. Coaching will be to fit in 3rd. Physio when needed. Tactics I probably won't touch unless I start losing.

  2. tbf if i copied your style of choice making i wouldnt have finished top of d1b ;)

  3. It is true that you were much better in the second season, but what about the first season?

  4. If I get THAT player... tactics ;). If not all out youth, keep the wage budget down get the management skills in then coaching then scouting :). I can loan my youths to Shev for Physio :D

  5. I tried youth as a start in GW14 but it was honestly demoralising that they were more inconsistent than a team of mediocres. Sure they will be ace in the future, but you also want a good team from the outset,imo.

  6. I can take 3 seasons of battering just so I'm sitting on a team of superstars and a pile of cold hard cash....

  7. stef u will sign the wrong youths and be stuck with a team full of rejects while me and my youths (and palacio of course) are destoying the seniors and makign a anme for ourselves. then im guna sell up and have ab igger pile of cash than u :)

  8. stef ive a good list for youth players if you want it mate

    you getting all the wrong ones


  9. I love the optimism guys.... cheers for that :(. No I have my lists.. it's basically a combination of Yours, Paul's and Salih's GW6 youth teams :D

  10. Me, Imgoing for youths and get the management tactics in, Then Im gonna get me some bigger players and go for the top of the world....

  11. Im going to go with Tactics first as this worked very well in GW14...4th in Quals and would have finished around 8th in Prem which is darn fine condsidering the kickin i got in GW6..then Scouting...
