Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My First Day

Im intrested to find out how everyones first day went. What difficulties did you have , did your main player get taken by some noob? tell us and we can all discuss it :)


  1. Everything went very smooth, but continue to get booted to frequently. Other than that I'd give FML an "A".


  2. good to hear. i was abit anoyed. 4 of my key players i was relying on were snatched but tbf i got justice with mezenga and moreno :D (sorry saccy) lag was suprsingly low and i didnt get booted at all apart from when my internet died for a minute. :) god it feels good to be home :)

  3. Hey guys, i missed out on launch because i was away on a course so i diddnt get into AEFA :( i have got into the evening fa for now but i have messaged Kev begging for any spots that come open.
    My friend ash ward (salfod city) also missed out and wants to sneak in if he can :)

  4. mat :( im tryin to get us places but i think we should get some more in a few days

  5. Everything went smooth for me, no lag or disconnects at all:) Missed to get several players I wanted, especially Omotoyossi due to being in late thanks to work:( But it's ok now, got a few youngsters I'm working with and it's a long-ter,m game for me:)
