Tuesday, December 23, 2008

State of the current gameworld

hey all just thought i would get some opinions across and see how you all felt about this. Jon recently started a blog and he talked about some of the issues that our gameworld has and a few of the lads have talked about switching gameworlds due to these errors and i disagree with most peoples views. fair enough the game world has flaws but so do most of the current worlds! i spoke to someone in saunders and he told me Richard sukuta pasu ( one of my current youths) went for 10 million! fair enough thats a high price but tbh i think hes worth the same. transfer values are mad at the moment but it happens, people are new to the world and need to understand how the values work and i think it will all level out soon so it should be all good. wages are a problem but sooner or later people will realise , stop bidding as much and this issue will settle aswell. fair enough alot of people are bidding erraticly for example Fabián Moreno went for 69k wages but as long as people are willing to pay as much then it will continue. I hope you all dont decide to change worlds etc as i know for a fact things will level out so just be patient :)



  1. I think that people are not understanding the problems that people are having, it's not the price of players, it's the fact the same teams win everything, the same teams always buy the best players best youths and in 1.1 will have the best stadiums and probably the best of everything.
    I like a challenge i really do but this is not a challenge at all it;s simply the teams that had the head start of being a beta tester running off into the distance leaving everyone behind. When people speak out they are accused of moaning, normally by the top players. Interestingly this blog was penned by one of the "top managers" in the game, we could all be as top manager if we knew the players and tactics that work in advance,

  2. I've read posts and heard podcasts where some users, mods included claim "You do not have to log in at the very beginning to be competitive, you can pick a winning teams days after the start etc.." That is not true sadly. I was a beta tester and I did have a short list of players I wanted, now due to work I was about an hour late when Lineker opened and none of those players were availible so that didn't help me at all. What did help me however was that since I had played the game before I didn't have to look through the options, play styles, skills etc. I knew what formation I wanted to play, I knew which skills I wanted to start with, I knew that auto-selected teams are utterly useless so I ended up with a good youth team, which is what I was aiming for.
    The economy is tanked atm yes, and some people will get the best stadiums whatever in 1.1 that is true. What is also true though is that since a certain amount of money is flooded into oblivion with every transaction the flow of cash decreases instead of just moving hands. Granted this will be a slow process but I believe it will help.

  3. I can see the reasons for the frustrations but I can see light at the end of the tunnel even if 1.1 was not rolled out.

    On the flip side of the majority of ridiculous transfer fees is a wage auction. This means that the player leaves the club for acquisition fee and not the transfer fee you paid.

    Spending hundreds of pounds in a wage auction to then sell on will slow down as the buyers will not want to spend loads on transfer and wages, generally. I am already seeing players on 100k wages being sold for less than MV.

    Likewise, selling at high value will slow down as people lose their loved ones in wage auctions and start getting wise. Unfortunately as long as someone wants to pay prices requested they will always be requested.

    I think 1.1 will accelerate the learning process above.
