Tuesday, December 23, 2008

State of the current gameworld

hey all just thought i would get some opinions across and see how you all felt about this. Jon recently started a blog and he talked about some of the issues that our gameworld has and a few of the lads have talked about switching gameworlds due to these errors and i disagree with most peoples views. fair enough the game world has flaws but so do most of the current worlds! i spoke to someone in saunders and he told me Richard sukuta pasu ( one of my current youths) went for 10 million! fair enough thats a high price but tbh i think hes worth the same. transfer values are mad at the moment but it happens, people are new to the world and need to understand how the values work and i think it will all level out soon so it should be all good. wages are a problem but sooner or later people will realise , stop bidding as much and this issue will settle aswell. fair enough alot of people are bidding erraticly for example Fabián Moreno went for 69k wages but as long as people are willing to pay as much then it will continue. I hope you all dont decide to change worlds etc as i know for a fact things will level out so just be patient :)


Tuesday, December 9, 2008

AEFA Qual 3 final report With full table

Hey all I’m sorry about the lateness of this report I was busy celebrating eid yesterday so I took a personal day off :D. Now onto the final report of the season!!
Qual 3 has been full of action this season with teams going up and down and surprisingly my personal prediction of soulnas hanging onto top spot after being there for 2 weeks proved wrong with Jani’s Cheesy Kingdom stealing the title by 3 points!. Third place Andy’s All stars finished 3rd with 70 points only 2 points off second spot. The top five and newly promoted premier league teams are as follows!
Cheesy Kingdom
Andy’s All Stars
Athletico Grimsby
Team Win FC

rest of table at the top of the post

Congratulations to those teams and a well done to all other teams as they made the league enjoyable for all teams. Now for the awards!!!!!
Goal of the season - Carbon Isotope’s Jula goal- shrugged off two defenders before drilling it into the bottom Player of the season - Tommaso Rocchi second top goal scorer has the second best average and he only played half of the season!
Golden Glove - Roy Carroll 19 clean sheets this season
Golden Boot - Marcelinho 21 goals in 38 games
Set piece merchants - SAC United scored 22 goals from set pieces
Dirtiest team (most fouls) - Robbo's Allstars 638 fouls this season!
Wooden glove - Giorgi Makaridze conceded almost 2 a game!
A final well done to all award winners and teams for making the first lineker season fun and I hope we have a lot more like this.


Sunday, November 23, 2008

AEFAQual 3

AEFA Qualifiers 3 Report

Hey all its time for the weekly reports. I'm Shevez and I'm doing your weekly reports this season.

Let's get it started with having a look at the table. Q3 is very active it seems as the top 3 teams have nearly finished their seasons! 27 games in a week out of the 38 games in a season have been played.

The top 3 teams are Soulnas with 52 points, Galaktyka Gliwice are second with 44 points and Monochrome FC are 3rd with 35 points.

This being the first season the top 5 teams will be put in the premiership, 6-10th are in D1, 11th to 15th are in D2 and 16th to 20th are in D3. (Or another system yet to be announced by the AEFA organisers :))

The top goal scorer so far in Q3 is Marcelinho with 16 goals in 27 games
Most assists are from Hugo Droguett with 9 in 26 games
Roy Carroll has the most clean sheets with 11
And Marco Antonio Palacioshas the best average rating of 7.26 in 15 games

The goal of the week goes to Carbon Isotope vs soulnas - Marcelinho.

He ran from the half way line dodged two tackles and rifled the ball into the bottom corner.

Next week's report will be on Sunday and it will feature a look at who I consider to be each team's key player and weakest link

AEFA Qual4 Update

Hi all and welcome to the AEFA weekly report.
I am John Batty and i will be doing the report for qual 4 :)

So its been a great start to the season and after week 1 the top 6 looks like so
Played Points
1. AC Norway 33 39
2. Ell's Angels 18 28
3. milbys mob 22 25
4. Raving Rabbids 13 23
5. Dinamo Alveley 10 22
6. Wicked F.C. 11 22

As you know anything can happen as its early in the season but congrats to AC Norway for being top after the first week.
The leagues top goalscorer is José Moreno with an impressive 13 goals in 13 games also making a name for himself is Diego Cabrera with a blistering 12 goals in 9 games.

The player of the week goes to and you wont be surprised to hear its José Moreno with his magical start to the season with goals galore, racking up an avrage rating of 7.62 but hot on his heels is Ryan Babel with 7.44.

And finally manager of the week, keeping the AEFA firmly on the map is Simon Sargent of Real men were pink, Smon is one of the bookies tip to take top spot in AEFA qual 4 but only time will tell.

All the best for the rest of the season be back next week with your 2nd weekly report.
John Batty

AEFA Organiser

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Just a reminder that all youth league entries need to be in by friday. To enter the U-21 or the U-19 league send a ingame mail to John Batty and he will add you to the league

Saturday, November 15, 2008

New Feature: Manager Bio

AEFA Biography
An exclusive Interview with AEFA Moderator John Batty
Name: John Batty
Age: 29
Club Supported: Tottenham Hotspur
FML Club: Wooley Hotspur

How long have you been playing FML?

I've been playing FML since Feb 08, remember the day well when i saw the e-mail, downloaded it and that was it I was instantly hooked. Just in case you were wondering where Woolley Hotspur came from I live in a small village called Woolley Colliery ( an old mining village in yorkshire ) and i've no need to tell you where the hotspur came from.

What did you used to do in your spare time before FML? It must be hard to remember a time now without FML?

Well you won't be surprised to hear that i was a big football manager player on the PC, i took NorthwichVictora to the premiership in consecutive seasons on FM2008 before Roma offered me the job, also was akeen player on pro evo for the xbox 360. but i have 3 lovely kids to keep me busy when FML was down.And to the last bit, its scary thinking of life without FML, hope they play it in heaven :)

As an AEFA moderator what are your hopes and ambitions for the AEFA?

As a mod and organiser in AEFA I hope for a few thing, i would like to get a good community spirit in here+ some rivalry between teams, which i know there is already.(mostly against me but everyone whats to beat a mod :p I am looking to make a good youth system in AEFA so its going to be the place to be for youth football and all the futurestars in FML will have began there career in AEFA.

Woolley Hotspur where one of the most famous and successful clubs to come out of Beta, what are your plans for the club in Lineker?

Well for the first couple of seasons am happy to take a back seat to let newbie's and other managersget a feel for the game, so i will be here as a helper than more of a challenger to start with, but be affraidWoolley Hotspur will be starting there more serious challenge after xmas. so i'm just going to start witha nice youth system and work on skills.

What has been the best moment of your FML career?

mmmmmm, tough one. probably doing the league and cup double in season 6 of psycho.I only won the championship as i only just transfered to the AEFA but winning the cup too was aspecial time down at the XBOX 360 stadium for our players and fans.

To experience the highs you must have gone through the lows, what has been your worst moment?

Too true. can't remember the season but it was june and went 3 weeks of getting murdered by everyonei just could'nt get it going and i had martins, karimi, pavone and any other stars, but no matter what i did it waswrong, i was close to calling it a day.But i know it sound silly but it was 1 of the best times, when your winning all your doing is clicking the mouse awaybut i went i depth with tactic's and i learned myself i few secrets in the time.so even tho i was losing alot it was a great time to work things out. (just remember that, there is a tactic for everyone)

Who has been the best player you have ever signed for Wooley Hotspur?

Without a doubt, Ali Karimi i know he's 30yo now but the guy could do everything.a world class playmaker, free-kick taker, corner taker, pens he'd got the lot.

Have you ever signed anyone who did not live up to your expectations?

I signed andri Shevchenko and Micheal Owen and both were shocking!

If you could sign anyone in the GW, which player would it be?

Probably Torres but who would'nt, there is a few more but i cant let all my secrets out (can i) ;)

Are there any clubs in the AEFA who you fear and which other clubs in the GW impress you?

Real Men Wear Pink should be watched closely

Finally do you have any advice for the newcomers?

Yes take your time to start with and dont keep changing tactics.

Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions

Questions provided by Gary McMahon

AEFA Rule the Youth World!

Even at this early stage of Lineker GW, AEFA has found itself a firm foothold in the youth world, and it looks like we're here to stay. 4 of the top 7 comprise of AEFA teams Including John Batty at number one. Although the opening week is very volatile in terms of ranking, It is to my belief as an FA we are here to stay.

For those who haven't considered Youth Fotball in FML it is definitely something to consider as a new challenge for your second season if you don't have the funds now (although with AFs of around 3k and wages of £200, it's not that expensive to begin with to get 15 or so players together and get underway).

Those of you still considering it for this season give an in game message to John Batty so he can add you to this season's AEFA Youth league.


Creating a youth team is a great way to generate extra revenue and make FML even a better game to play
First thing to do is set up your squads, all you have to do is go to the manager tab - edit profile. Then go to club - squads and add the tabs for u21, 19 and u17 or whichever ones you wish to participate in.

Next you have to sign the players. There are a lot of good youths out there for free so just look. AEFA is here to help, any questions just ask in AEFA chat.

Go to all players which can be found at the bottom of your in game screen and click filter - customise.

To find Youth free agents:
World tab- All players and filter customize
Contract Status IS Free Agent (then add another filter)
Age Is Below 21(or lower)

Now look at the players who are available and sign the ones you need. Best thing to do is trial them first and then bid for their contract towards the end of there trial if you like them that way you sign them straight away
Hope you find this useful and hope to see you all in the youth competitions in the future!
Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

See you in AEFA chat :)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

My First Day

Im intrested to find out how everyones first day went. What difficulties did you have , did your main player get taken by some noob? tell us and we can all discuss it :)


Soz about the late post lol but we are all busy sorting squads just thought i would tell everyone AEFA was full within the first hour and a half it was also the first fed to be full so :) soz all those who didnt get in your going to have to wait til we expand and get those extra 20 places we need. Shame rik didnt get in either :(

Sunday, November 9, 2008


Can't wait anymore lol now that i think my account is sorted and i am back in lineker i can put those chaotic few days behind me and move on with preparing for us to go live :)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Almost FOUR days to go!

Hope everyone is having a nice chill out and keeping an eye on the countdown timer to the right!!

We welcome back Shev after deciding to leave us for a couple of hours (remember what happened last time you did that?) By the way, sorry for deleting all the comments and posts - trying to keep things on topic :)

Remember to prioritise your to-do list so that you enter the AEFA. So much to do in the first few weeks I'd suggest writing down a to-do list and stick to it religiously!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Also check out these first season guides

Good read and interesting ideas


Start Up Advice

A worth start-up guide from a poster in the FML community... link below.

Click here

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

What management style will you choose?

I was thinking to myself about this and there are advantages to all different styles if you go for coaching u get a good base to develop your players but if you go for scouting u get players people cant see first. tactics means you get the jump on everyone else in making your team do what u want and means u can prob win games quicker but there is also management that allows your money to go further and sign better players for cheaper. There is also the phsyio skills for all those that want to minimise injuries

personally I'm going for management as i want my money to go further but i also want to know what YOU lot are going to go for :)

Monday, November 3, 2008

Calendar and Lineker Countdown

Added the Countdown (to the right) which should now give you the time left before Lineker opens to the last second!

We now also have a Calendar - see the bottom of the page. I'm not quite sure how this works but please check that you can see the "3pm Launch" event on the 11th. If so, we got a winner for announcing big games, when AI rights are awarded, when seasons start/ end etc. Should be good.

Anything else you think would be worthwhile please get in touch :)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

The End of GW14

I'm about to go to bed knowing that it was my last ever game in GW14. GW14 was becoming dead since the announcement of the end of beta testing... long live Lineker. Can't wait. Shame we're losing some proper legends from both GW6 and GW14 but hopefully we'll have a full house of legends within AEFA!


Hey all just thought i would let you all know the demo for football manager 2009 is out and can be downloaded Via Steam or visiting this page http://www.footballmanager.net/
let us know what you think of it :D

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ten Days To Go

With ten days to go before Lineker starts, I thought it would be worthwhile creating a blog for the community that is AEFA within Lineker. Content to come, let's just hope there is enough space for all the legends.